Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This is my first post and I suppose I am somewhat clueless! So i'll start by introducing myself with the 5 W's.

My name is Lana amber Nalepa. I'm 17 years old from Northampton, United Kingdom. 
Serendipity Jones has only just started. I was not 100% sure if I wanted my blog to be named after my own name so I thought up Serendipity Jones. 
-Serendipity means 'finding something beautiful somewhere unexpected' whilst 'Jones' is one of the most popular surnames so to put them together I felt they almost contradicted each other?

This blog is a look at lifestyle, beauty and fashion. Beauty and fashion are my two greatest passions, and I am always being inspired by things around me. 
At 14 years old I took a hair and beauty diploma which lasted 2 years. In these 2 years I learned everything you could think of about hair and beauty. I'm currently studying a 2 year Fashion&Clothing level 3 BTEC here in Northampton.
I feel as though a blog is the perfect platform to share photo's, inspiration's and idea's with people all over the world.

Serendipity Jones is a completely new platform for me. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a few years now I just never had the confidence to finally pursue it. By creating this blog I wanted to do something which is new and stylised.

I currently live in Northampton, United Kingdom. Eventually I want to move to a bigger city to pursue bigger things, but right now I am quite content where I am.

To share ideas, inspirations and work. I am constantly being inspired by other people and things around me, and by sharing it I hope to introduce things I love to people.


  1. heyy gal! thankyou for the lovely comment!

    ill follow you wo!

    keep in touch on twitter or something! X

  2. Aw thank you Hun!
    I'll follow you back :) yes definitely! x

  3. I think your blog name is so good - love it! :)

  4. Aw thank you!
    I've checked out your blog and it's so pretty! Following you now :)

  5. I've also just started and its really daunting.
    Your's is really good.
    New follower :-)

    Pop by sometime

  6. Thanks for the sweet comment! Of course I'll check out your lovely blog, I'll even follow it! Follow back if you like=)

  7. Skulls and black lace- ah thankyou!! And of course I will :-)

    Ashley- thankyou Hun :-) I'll check out your blog now! x
